
I am a painter based in the North West of England, hoping to pay the bills with my artwork alone by the end of 2012. To keep me on track, I’ve assigned myself the task of creating a small painting, every day, for as long as is necessary.

If you want to know a bit of background, just check out my website at the link below.


2 responses to “About”

  1. melonaide says :

    Hi, you got amazing artworks there. I agree that being a full time artist can be a bit challenging. But with that great talent i think you can make it. Btw, thanks for following my blog. 🙂 – mel

  2. melonaide says :

    Hi Liam, I nominated you for the Liebster blog award because I think your art is great! Check it out here: http://bit.ly/Atyk6E Congrats. 🙂

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